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Dr. Matt Rostami, MD
Retina Specialist and Surgeon
Raised and educated on the east coast, Dr. Rostami
decided that he did not want to die from the cold or
high taxes so he moved to Texas to start his own
medical practice.
Prior to starting medical school Dr. Rostami majored in Middle-Eastern
studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Not only is he fluent in Persian, he can also speak Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese and Spanish at different levels. This may sound impressive but Dr. Rostami's father was not impressed, so after some tough love and heckling, off to medical school he went!
He graduated from medical school at Geisinger Medical College in Scranton PA on a full scholarship. Dr. Rostami greatly enjoyed working with the nice and hospitable rural communities in north east Pennsylvania. After medical school he completed his ophthalmology residency at Case Western in Cleveland, OH, where he had the honor to treat our veterans and servicemen at the VA. After many years in the cold he decided to apply for fellowship in more habitable parts of the country.
When Dr Rostami learned that he was accepted for a fellowship at Valley Retina Institute in McAllen, TX, he was overjoyed by the realization that he would no longer have to pay state income tax or clean ice off his car in the winter. Dr Rostami had never seen such bad cases of diabetic eye disease until he moved to McAllen, it was truly a horror show, but it gave him experience like none other.
If you've read this far, I commend you; By now, you’ve probably realized I wrote this thing myself; and you are right! I am Dr. Matt Rostami, and it would be an honor to meet and take care of you.
In my free time I travel, grill, scuba dive and go to the gun range. I've been to over 30 countries and pretend to speak multiple languages. Now that I’m done with my medical training, I plan to make Frisco my home!
-Dr Rostami
Thanks dad! I'm glad I listened to you so I don't have to live in a box!
Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm